Работа Брокер Молдова. ⚡ Найдено 24 вакансий в Молдова

  • Agent Imobiliar (HUB)

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Te-ai afirmat deja ca un specialist imobiliar cu experiență? Ești încrezut și vrei să lucrezi pentru tine?Atunci Vino în echipa noastră!Achiți doar 200 de euro lunar pentru cooperarea cu compania noastră;Uită de grijile deschiderii unei companii (SRL);Nu trebuie să pierzi timpul în căutarea un birou...
  • Broker vamal

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Angajăm un nou coleg, ambițios și perspicace pentru o companie specializată în logistică multimodală. Împreună cu echipa vei contribui la realizarea cu succes ale celor mai complexe procese de logistică, prin depunerea declarațiilor vamale.Beneficiezi:Oportunitatea de a-ți crește salariu în baza per...
  • Specialist in domeniul vamuirii / broker vamal

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Cerintele obligatorii:Experienta de succes in domeniul - cel putin 1 an obligatoriu;Cunoasterea legislatiei vamale si programelor de specialitate (Asycuda/Valah/Informbusiness);Cunoasterea limbelor rusa si romana.Oferim:Lucru stabil in echipa de profesionisti;Birou nou modern echipat la nivel inalt;...
  • Dispatch freight broker

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    From people to people it's not just our motto, it's in our DNA!At Fortus Group, we provide a variety of consistent freight, shipping and transportation services of the highest quality, while building long term relationships with our customers and carriers, that are based on Honesty and Integrity.For...
  • Диспетчер на Car Hauling (700-4000$)

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Требования и обязательства:Общения со своими водителямиАнализ рынка кар холинга.Поиск хороших загрузок для своих водителей(желательно самые лучшие)Переговоры с брокерамиПравильное построение маршрута.Обеспечьте отличную поддержку клиентовТребования:Знание английскогоОпыт работы в car hauling обязате...
  • Specialist in domeniul vamuirii / broker vamal

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Cerintele obligatorii:Experienta de succes in domeniul - cel putin 1 an obligatoriu;Cunoasterea legislatiei vamale si programelor de specialitate (Asycuda/Valah/Informbusiness);Cunoasterea limbelor rusa si romana.Oferim:Lucru stabil in echipa de profesionisti;Birou nou modern echipat la nivel inalt;...
  • Freight Broker Agent 1000-3000$

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Do you want to build a unique career in the Freight Broker field? We offer you this possibility.As a agent, you will work with customers to move inventory by matching their freight with empty equipment. An ideal candidate is sales-minded, confident at building relationships, and growing a portfolioR...
  • Broker vamal / Таможенный специалист

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Despre noi:FORS-Computer a fost fondată în 1996. Furnizăm echipamente IT clienților corporativi, printre care se numără USAID, Moldcell, CNAM, Termoelectrica, USM, UTM, ONU, ambasadele europene, Ambasada SUA, Guvernul Republicii Moldova etc. Printre domeniile noastre de activitate sunt crearea siste...
  • Таможенный брокер

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Основные обязанности:Контроль процесса таможенного оформленияКонсультация клиентовОформление таможенных декларацийКонсультирование внутренних пользователей по таможенному оформлениюИмпорт-экспортУчастие в формировании новых line-холловТребования к знаниям:высшее образование;опыт работы на аналогично...
  • Import / Procurement Logistics Manager

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Requirements to the candidate:Higher education, preferably in the field of ITFluency in Russian, Romanian and English (C1 level)Proficient PC user (1C, all Microsoft Office).Main responsibilities:Conducting business correspondence with both current and potential suppliers mainly in English sometimes...
  • Broker (Logistics) on US Market

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Are you an experienced sales professional with a fervor for driving the success of a top-tier organization? Transimex Global, a trailblazer in the American market and celebrated for its reliable logistic services, is actively searching for a skilled Broker to join our dynamic team.Why Transimex?At T...
  • Car Transport Broker

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    SKY SMART SOLUTION company invites candidates for the position of Car Transport Broker. We are leaders in the field of transportation services and specialize in car transportation within the United States of America. If you have experience in the logistics and transportation industry, possess organi...
  • Помощник логиста / Снабженец

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Должностные обязанности:Закупка товара и доставка его на склад (организация логистики), ввод документации в 1С;Работа с поставщиками: поиск поставщиков, заключение договоров;Обеспечение наилучших условий закупки товаров (цена, объем, коммерческие условия);Поиск транспортных компаний и работа с текущ...
  • Freight Broker

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Freight Broker for US EXPRESS CARRIERS LLC is a rapidly growing trucking company based on the West Coast of USA, operating a fleet of more than 100 trucks pulling DryVans and Reefers.US Express is also a HazMat certified carrier, which provides an additional and very resourceful source of high paidQ...
  • Specialist în Domeniul Vămuirii

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Compania de famillie Dräxlmaier figurează timp de 60 ani în segmentul premiu al industriei automobilistice. La moment în cadrul companiei activează circa 75 000 colaboratori din întreaga lume. Cu angajament, inovație, spirit de echipă şi competenţă aceştia găsesc soluţii pentru mobilitatea individua...
  • Car Hauling Dispatcher

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Dispatch42 is one of the fastest-growing companies in logistics because we are a customer-centric company that truly listens to clients' needs and focuses on quality and precision. Our employees are empowered and trusted as experts in their field of work.At the moment we are looking for a responsibl...
  • Broker/ declarant vamal, Specialist Import/Export

    Молдова 13 часов назад
    Responsabilități de bază:Organizează desfășurarea operațiunilor vamale și activitatea departamentului de import-export;Perfectează declarațiile vamale;Asigură efectuarea corecta și la timp a calculului taxelor vamale;Asigură întocmirea rapoartelor.Cerințe:Studii superioare;Experiență de munca intr-C...
  • Офисный сотрудник в экспедиционную компанию

    Молдова, Кишинёв 13 часов назад
    Успешная транспортная компания в поисках ИМЕННО ТЕБЯ !!!Наша цель - предоставить вам лучшие условия работы !Обязанности:- выходить на связь с водителями,клиентами крупных компаний- находить груз,транспорт по нашей сложенной базе- подобрать оптимальные грузы для перевозчиков и поддержать водителя в п...
  • Truck Dispatcher(s) needed

    5 000 $
    Молдова, Кишинёв 13 часов назад
    Interviewing this week for immediate openings. We are a growing trucking company in need of 1-2 experienced over-the-road dispatcher(s.) Position Requires:- experience (preferred)- Oral and written communication skills - Rate negotiation and closing skills - Basic computer proficiency ie. excel, loa...
  • Dispatcher(s) needed

    6 000 $
    Молдова, Кишинёв 13 часов назад
    Interviewing this week for immediate openings. We are a growing trucking company in need of 1-2 experienced over the road dispatcher(s.) Position Requires:- experience (preferred)- Oral and written communications skills - Rate negotiation and closing skills - Basic computer proficiency ie. excel, lo...