Работа junior affinitas Молдова. ⚡ Найдено 45 вакансий
Wordpress Developer *Junior to Middle*
Blueline srl
Молдова, Кишинёв
15 часов назад
Descrierea jobului: - Cunoașterea CMS-ului Wordpress; - Cunoastera lucrului cu custom fields; - Cunoștințe de bază de programare: * PHP (noțiuni generale) * HTML && CSS * JavaScript JQuery - Un grad optim de autonomie; - Cunoștințe minime de comunicare ...
Junior Auditors
15 часов назад
General profile:Degree in accounting, finance or business related field;Effective written and verbal communication skillsExcellent analytical and problem solving skillsStrong knowledge and application of Microsoft Office (Excel, Word)Good knowledge of ...
Mobile Developer *Android*
ICS Blueline SRL
Молдова, Кишинёв, Рышкановка
15 часов назад
Blueline caută un nou coleg, Junior Mobile Developer, care să participe ...
Mobile Developer *Android*
Молдова, Кишинёв, Рышкановка
15 часов назад
Blueline caută un nou coleg, Junior Mobile Developer, care să participe ...
Junior Financial Manager (800 USD)
15 часов назад
Under Senior Financial Manager supervision you will deal with financial reporting & analysis, assist in financial planning and preparing of financial statements. The work experience on similar position is not required. We are ready to share all our ...