Работа junior estimator Молдова. ⚡ Найдено 43 вакансий

  • Wordpress Developer *Junior to Middle*

    Blueline srl Молдова, Кишинёв 8 часов назад
    Descrierea jobului: - Cunoașterea CMS-ului Wordpress; - Cunoastera lucrului cu custom fields; - Cunoștințe de bază de programare: * PHP (noțiuni generale) * HTML && CSS * JavaScript JQuery - Un grad optim de autonomie; - Cunoștințe minime de comunicare ...
  • Junior Auditors

    Молдова 8 часов назад
    General profile:Degree in accounting, finance or business related field;Effective written and verbal communication skillsExcellent analytical and problem solving skillsStrong knowledge and application of Microsoft Office (Excel, Word)Good knowledge of ...
  • Junior Financial Manager (800 USD)

    Молдова 8 часов назад
    Under Senior Financial Manager supervision you will deal with financial reporting & analysis, assist in financial planning and preparing of financial statements. The work experience on similar position is not required. We are ready to share all our ...